The Power of Webcamming Lighting and Background

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Many people think that the key to a good photo or video is a high-quality camera. A good camera is important to produce good videos, but that’s not all. In fact, you can have a good camera and still shoot poor-quality videos. What makes the difference is the effect of lighting and background. 

In webcamming, proper lighting and background is a must-have. A huge part of the job is looking good on camera all the time, and that’s not possible if you don’t understand the power of proper lighting and background. 

This article will cover everything you need to know about the power of webcamming lighting and background, the role they play in making the perfect videos, and how to make the most of them as a webcam model

The Power of Lighting

A high-quality camera can produce high-resolution images and videos; crisp, clear, and perfect, but you can have a good camera and still produce poor-quality pictures if you don’t understand how lighting works. Good lighting can take your videos from 80 to 100, all you need to do is make a couple of adjustments. 

With good lighting, your camera can produce higher resolution videos, and capture your viewer’s attention, as well as all your facial expressions. If you’re going to maintain the mood and attention of your audience, good lighting can help you do that. 

Poor lighting on the other hand produces shadowy and dark pictures, and not only is this a bad thing for your brand, but it could repel your audience. And that’s not good. So, we’ll talk about a few tips and tricks that can help you use the light around you to your advantage when recording a webcam video. 

Use natural light to your advantage. 

Natural light is not only cheap and available, it is also one of the most effective light sources. But since it is everywhere, and cannot be controlled, it can easily ruin your videos. However, it doesn’t have to if you understand how to use it to your advantage. 

If you’re webcamming in an outdoor environment, natural light might prove difficult to control, but if you want to make the most of it, it is advisable to shoot your video inside. One important rule to remember is to face the source of light, not back it. This could be your window or an open door. Facing the source of light puts you as the focus, and allows your camera to capture a clearer image of you. 

You can get good lighting outside too. 

Using outdoor light to your advantage can be tricky but it is still possible. When you’re outside, the same rule applies: do not back the light source; however, things work a little differently. Webcamming outdoors on a sunny day is not a good idea, because it increases the possibility of shadows. And even if you face the sun, it can cause you to squint, which is not a good look either. 

So, it is advisable that you shoot your videos when the sun is not at its highest strength; maybe before sunrise or just before sunset. In those moments, the lighting is just right, and can easily be controlled. Just remember to face the sun at all times. 

Artificial lighting can be a huge influence as well. 

Unlike natural light which has a time limit, artificial light is always available. In fact, you can use the two types of lighting at once to produce better pictures or videos. There are so many sources of artificial light, and some of them are

  • Ring light
  • Backlight 
  • Overhead lamps
  • Camera flash
  • LEDs
  • Neon signs, etc.

Artificial lighting on its own is also a great option, and it is generally preferred to natural lighting because it allows for control. You can decide its intensity and control its direction too. 

Get a ring light. 

For up-and-coming models, lamps might be the most affordable option, but if you’re willing to up your lighting game, consider getting ring lights. They’re easy to work with and flexible. You can fix them around your laptop camera, phone camera, or webcam; whatever you use to take your videos. 

When buying a ring light though, look out for certain features. You should get a ring light that allows you control the light intensity, color, and even height, but that would only be helpful for models who take videos with their phones or a small webcam

You can use a backlight as well. 

Using backlight can be helpful, especially if you want your webcam videos to have a more professional touch or if your setup makes you backed up against a wall or any other kind of surface. This backlight can shine from above you, or you can place it to the side of your setup. 

It’s not something you cannot do without, but if you do decide to use a backlight, make sure it’s not your only light source. Also, it is inappropriate to use backlight and ring light together, so avoid that. Overall, a ring light is a more useful investment if you’re new to webcamming. It’s more accessible, cheaper, and can be used on its own. 

Avoid using chunky, shiny jewelry.

Appropriate dressing is an important part of keeping your audience’s interest; however, using shiny jewelry can make you look the opposite of what it should. Shiny jewelry is perfect a reflective surface, and if you’re not careful, it can ruin your perfect lighting setup. 

Be careful of what you wear.

This might be a little tricky, but the colors you wear can mess with your camera’s visual effect. Same thing with wearing patterns like checks, pinstripes, prints, et cetera. Not only can it mess with the camera’s focus, it can also distract your audience. 

So, avoid prints and try not to wear bright colors, white or black. A safer option would be a mild color or a neutral one. It can be a pain, but if it means your audience gets to see a clear and crisp picture if you, it’s worth it. 

If you have your lighting on lock, but you’re still not content with the quality of your videos, here are some tips you might find useful. 

  • Upgrade your webcam. 
  • Clean the lenses of your webcam. 
  • Look directly into your camera. It makes you look more confident, kind of like you’re making eye contact with your audience. 
  • Invest in a three-point lighting kit. 
  • Make sure your background is appropriate.

The Power of Background

Lighting is not the only thing that can influence the quality of your video. Your shooting environment also has to be taken care of. A poor background can affect the lighting of said environment, and it also leaves a bad impression on your audience. So, it is important that your shooting environment is optional, but how do you make sure of that?

Decide how much you want to show. 

How do you want your audience to see you? From your waist to your head? Or a more up close and personal view? Whatever you decide, remember that your choice also affects how much background space you’re going to show. 

Declutter your space.

Before you commence your webcam recording, look behind you. What will your audience see? A cluttered space? Scattered clothes? A poorly arranged background? None of these makes up a good background. Not only is it not a good look on you, but it also distracts your audience. 

Make sure to clear up everything behind you before you start filming, or at least whatever will be picked up by the camera. Also remember that this doesn’t only involve mess. You might also want to take down any personal pictures behind you or anything that can confirm your identity, especially if you’re an anonymous webcam model or you’re using a different identity. 

Don’t let your background be bare and boring.

Adding props to your background is a good idea, but not just any prop. Whatever you decide to add to the background shouldn’t be a distraction to your audience. For example, a poster with something written on it could take away your clients’ attention for a moment. 

A good idea of a prop could be sex toys hanging in the background, or more of your costumes. If you don’t want to go for that kind of vibe, you can keep it warm and simple and hang flowers in the background or you could show off a well-arranged bed or bookshelf. Or you can opt for candles if you’re going for something romantic. Whatever you decide is up to you, just don’t let it be boring. 

Get rid of mirrors. 

Having mirrors in the background could give your audience the access to infringe on your privacy. So, be careful about that. Also, from a lighting perspective, mirrors allow for reflection, which can mess up your setup. 

Set the right theme in your background. 

The theme of your background is also important because it can get your audience in the mood or do the opposite. You don’t need too many lights in the background, in fact, the darker the better. Dark themes are often more intimate and encourage conversation, which is definitely what you want to achieve with your audience. 


Webcamming can be fun and enjoyable for both you and your client. But it doesn’t matter how good you are at the job, the proper knowledge of lighting and background would increase the quality of your videos by a long shot. You can’t afford to miss out on that!

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